to go to the NCSBA Summer Meeting this weekend at Blue Ridge
Community College.
For our August meeting we are going to have our annual ice cream
social. We will be supplying the ice cream with some vegan
options, but we ask that you please bring your own cup/bowl and
utensils. Also please bring toppings to share.
For the meeting as we near the end of our nectar flow (not
counting goldenrod) we will have two of our club members, Dave
Cowart and Greg Rogers, talk to us about what you should be doing
to get your girls ready their winter. As these two are long-time
beekeepers, I am sure that we can all learn something to add to
our own preparedness.
I am looking forward to it and hope to see you all there.
Also put September 1st on your calendar as we will be hosting Dr.
Samuel Ramsey at the Folk Art Center for a special talk. The cost
will be $10.00 as we have to fly him in and pay his speaking fee.
The time will be from 9:00 to 12:00.
For a little teaser, go to Youtube and search for “Three
Minute Thesis Winner Samuel Ramsey 2017 UMD”
Groce United Methodist Church