We are going to have Allison McAfee. Here is the topic:
Queen failure: Two years of surveying queens and potential causal factors
In the first part of this talk, I will discuss my work on temperature
stress and why it can be a problem for honey bee queens. I’ll talk about
what temperature range is safe and what happens when queens spend too
long outside the safe range. In the second part, I will talk about what I
have learned by sampling queens from beekeepers for the last two years,
and describe some surprising relationships between sublethal viral
infection and ovary size, among other findings, and where we should go
from here. After the talk she is going to stay around and answer your questions so get them ready.
So please bring any questions about this topic that you were always afraid to ask….See you Next Monday
Here is a bio for our speaker
Topic: May Buncombe County Beekeepers Meeting May 3rd,2021
Time: May 3, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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