Good evening, Buncombe County Beekeepers,
Hope that you’re getting out in this weirdly warm February we are having, and your girls are getting along fine.
We are going to have a great and informative meeting on March 6th.  Fourth generation, 13-year, and NCSBA Master beekeeper Bryan Fisher, from Cabarrus County, is coming to speak to us on queen castles (what are those?) and making splits.

Also, don’t forget our monthly mini workshop from 6:30 to 7:00.  It’s going to center on integrated pest management techniques, or IPM.
If you’re going to bee attending the CHBR bee school on March 4th and 5th, we hope that you will learn a lot and not be too overwhelmed to come to the meeting!
Hope to see you all March 6th.

Groce United Methodist Church
945 Tunnel Road – Asheville

Please remember to pay your 2017 Dues.

you can log on to the website and pay with Paypal, or you can print your membership application and mail it to:

Buncombe County Beekeepers
P. O. Box 785
Asheville, NC 28802
or bring it with you to the meeting.







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