Hello  BCBC members,
I hope that you and your girls are all doing well and are staying safe during these unusual times.
We are going to have our first virtual meeting this coming Monday June 15th starting at  7:00  and going until 8:15. I hope that you can all make it .
We will be having Lewis Cauble, our regional inspector, talk about what he is seeing in the bee yards in and around our area.
Please bring any questions you might have as to what is happening in your yard as  we can help you figure out what problems you might be having or help to identify what you are seeing.
I will be sending out the link to our zoom meeting platform over the weekend and we will start with some basic housekeeping on how zoom works so don’t be shy if you are not familiar  or have not used zoom yet.
We will be having our monthly meeting this way until further notice as it will be the safest way for us all.
Please email me directly if you have any questions , concerns or ideas that you would like to see.
Have a great weekend and hope to see you Monday.
Mark Traub
Vice President BCBC
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