Good Evening to all Buncombe County Beekeepers! 

Mark your calendar! 
Our next monthly meeting is Monday, June 4th at Groce United Methodist
from 7 – 9pm.  Come early for a
greet-and-meet at 6:30, especially if you have questions for some our more “seasoned”
beekeepers.  You can learn what is going
on in and around the bee yards of Buncombe and surrounding counties.

I hope you and your “girls” have had a wonderful Memorial
Day holiday weekend!  Although rain has limited foraging and time in the apiary, we did have some occasions where the
sun peeked through the clouds. 

The first nectar flow of the season is in full swing, so be
sure to check your hives for adequate space. 
Remember the 70% rule…when a super is 70% full, you should add another
super.  When you have 7 filled frames of
honey in a 10-frame super, or 5 to 6 in an 8-frame super, you should add
another super to insure maximum honey production.

Our guest speaker for the June 4th meeting will
be Christopher Copenhaver, M.D. from Allergy Partners of Asheville.  While he treats allergies of all types, he
expresses a special interest in “bee sting” allergies.  He will discuss allergies associated with
honey bees, appropriate sting therapy, and most importantly will train us on
the proper use of an Epi-Pen.  While you
may not be allergic to honeybee stings, one should be prepared to administer
appropriate therapy for your family and friends who visit your home and
apiary.  You can learn more about Dr.
Copenhaver at

Don’t forget to take advantage of the North Carolina Master Beekeepers
Association’s summer conference held in nearby Flat Rock at Blue Ridge
Community College.   Click on the link below to register
early.  Early registration saves you


Check the WNC Beekeeper’s website ( ) for the other half of
Leigh Knott’s presentation from our May 7th meeting.  I apologize for not posting the information
sooner…it has been a busy few weeks for me. 

Also, be sure to check us out on Facebook!  You can see what issues other BCBC members
are facing, and post your own questions. (
) It is a very informative site!

See you on the 4th!

Mark Traub/BCBC Vice-President

Groce United Methodist Church/945 Tunnel Road-Asheville

7:00pm (6:30 to mingle)


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