Hello BCBC members,
I hope that you and your girls are enjoying this great weather.
Coming in June for our monthly zoom meeting I am excited to tell you that we have Kieth Delaplane talking to us.
Here is a little about Kieth and the topic of his talk:
Keith Delaplane is Professor and Walter B. Hill Fellow and Director of
the Honey Bee Program at the University of Georgia. Keith started
keeping bees growing up in Indiana. During his graduate work at LSU his
major advisor was Dr. John Harbo co-developer of the VSH line of
Varroa-resistant honey bee. In 2014 Professor Delaplane was received as
an Honorary Member of the British Empire for his research and outreach
work in UK spanning three decades. He and his students study honey bee
epidemiology, pollination, and social evolution.
The way honey bees use genetics to solve their problems centers on
accumulating large genetic diversity among the workers in the colony.
This is in distinction to traditional bee breeding methods that tend to
focus on one or two highly specific traits. Professor Delaplane will
compare and contrast the two approaches and offer ideas for harmonizing
 I hope that you will be able to join the meeting on Monday June 7th at 7:00.
 Also a reminder that we have Dadant medium frames for sale unassembled without foundation for $1.35  per.
I will be sending out the zoom link next week.
An update as of now the church has not let us know when we can start to meet in person….so stay tuned.
Mark Traub
Vice President BCBC
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