March BCBC Monthly Meeting:

Hello members for the meeting in March we have Chris Apple speak  to us. Here is a little about Chris.

I am a NCSBA Master Beekeeper. I am a Regional Director for the state and sit on the Board of Directors. I am also a member of the MBP committee and the 4-H Grant Program. 

Chris will talk about the ways that honey bees communicate with one another through both their dances and the complex system of pheromones excreted by all the members of the hive.

Looking forward to this and I hope that you will be able to join us. As always we will open the room up at 6:30 for talking bees with your fellow club members. The link for this meeting will be sent out next week as well as posting on our facebook page.

Also we have  purchased un-assembled commercial grade medium frames from Dadant for club members to buy. The cost is $1.25 per frame with nails included. Please contact Mark Traub for any inquiries.

Mark Traub

Vice President BCBC


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