Hello to all Buncombe County Beekeepers!

I hope all is well with you, and that your “girls” made it through the winter and are gearing up for spring.  
BCBC conducted our “hands-on” Bee School over the past weekend at
Nesbitt Discovery Center, so we are expecting to see lots of new members
at Monday’s meeting.  Be sure to look for new faces and make these future beekeepers feel welcome.  
on the evaluation survey collected at the conclusion of the school, the
responses of the participants were very positive.  It appears the new
beekeepers walked away with a better understanding of beekeeping and now
have the confidence to start keeping bees, along with the assurance
that experienced beekeepers will be enthusiastic to help answer their
questions as the year progresses.  Don’t forget that many first-time
beekeepers may be looking for mentors to help them get started.  
are very fortunate to have Ms. Jennifer Keller as our guest speaker for
the March meeting.  She is an entomologist and research specialist who
works with Dr. Tarpy at the NC State Apiculture Lab.  She will be
sharing the results of the research they are conducting in hopes that it
will give us more of an understanding of our bees and teach us to be
better wards for our “girls”.  
I am very excited to have her come and share her knowledge with us and am looking forward to seeing all of you there.
The meeting and presentation begins at 7:00pm, but try to come at 6:30pm for the “advice/mentoring/mini-workshop”
session.  I anticipate the new members will have lots of questions and
this will be an excellent time for them to get some answers…and make
new friends who share the same beekeeper enthusiasm.   
Monday March 5th
Meeting site:  Groce United Methodist Church
                       945 Tunnel Road


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