Monday Oct 5th BCBC Meeting Preparing bees for winter


Hello  BCBC members,

I hope that this email finds you and your girls fairing well and enjoying the fall weather.
Sorry about the delay in getting this email out to you all but we will be having a monthly meeting Monday Oct.5th,2020
We  will have the pleasure of hearing and asking questions from Karen Spear.
Here is a little about her:

and Ed Speer own and operate Sweet Betsy Farm in Marion, NC which
provides local honey, bees, eggs and agritourism experiences. Karen is a
NCSBA Master Beekeeper, a NCSBA Mountain Region Director and chairs
McDowell Honey Bees’ very successful annual beginner beekeeping school.  

Karen will be talking about
Preparing for Winter

we prepare our apiary for winter including planting for late season
pollen, pest management, feeding hives, insulating and other topics.
This will be followed by a question and answer period to discuss and
address specific concerns and options.
I hope that you all can make it .
I have sent the link out and it is on our facebook page. If you did not get it please contact me at