Good evening BCBC members,
I hope that your girls are doing well. Remember to check their stores and feed if necessary. They can go through a lot this time of year. You want them to be loaded up for winter.
Also I hope that you have been checking the mite load and acting accordingly.
This is a reminder that we are not having a September meeting. For our October meeting we have Sean Colinsworth from Killer Bee Honey presenting. A Certified welsh honey judge, Sean will be coming to talk to us about honey grading and activities at Killer Bee Honey. More to follow soon!
We will be sending out information for our upcoming picnic which will be September 15th from 1 – 4pm at Root Cause Farm (formally The Lords Acre). Members and family are all invited. this will also give everyone a chance to see the club apiary, as well as what the garden is about and its role in the community.
September is also Fair time. If you do go out to the wnc Mountain State Fair stop by the bee exhibit and talk bees . If you signed up to help  hope to see you there.
Have a great weekend.
Mark Traub
Vice President BCBC.
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