Its September! Fair, Fall Feedings, winter preparations are well under way!

First and foremost, this month’s normal meeting date falls on Labor Day. Because it is a holiday, we will not have a meeting in September.

It’s also Western North’s State Fair time! Many of us will be busy with setting up the Honey and Beekeeping display at the fair, as well as staffing the booth to help educate the public on Bees, pollinators and beekeeping in general. It’s also a great way to introduce your products for sale to the public as well.

Its almost (officially) fall!  Everyone should have their mite assessments done, feeding as needed should be underway. It’s a wonderful time of year to start slowing down and enjoying the seasonal changes as well.

It’s also that time of year to begin membership renewals for the coming year. We will have renewal forms available at the next meeting, and they are available online as well.

We will have a few positions on the board opening up this year. Elections will be held in November. if you are interested in serving on a committee or board, please let us know. We should have nominations ready to present to everyone at the October meeting for your consideration as well.

If anyone has questions, needs some guidance, etc. you can post your questions to the member ship via email, or you can post your question on the BCBC /WNC beekeepers page on Facebook as well.

See you all at the fair!

Groce United Methodist Church,
954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm
Meeting time is 7:00pm

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