Hello Members,

I hope that you and your girls are enjoying this warm weather and all are doing fine.

As you know Monday Nov. 6th will be the last meeting of 2017 and we will be having our year end pot luck. So cook up a favorite dish to share maybe with honey in it.

We will also be nominating and electing board members and directors whose terms are expiring. Also the board will be giving the club a year end financial report as to where we stand.

Greg Rogers will be giving us a short recap of Randy Oliver’s study with Oxalic Acid.

There is still time to let me know if you want to enter the Honey Contest and possible move on to be in the Black Jar Contest.All you need to do is bring a 3oz jar of your favorite Honey and it does not even have to be from this year. The winner will be selected by a panel of Judges and the club will pay your entry fee and pay for the 3 jars of honey needed for the Black Jar contest. Also you will win an over wintered Nuc. So please let me know by Sunday evening if you want to be in it.(send an email to itagrape@gmail.com)Please bring a serving utensil and your own plate and utensil to eat on to help save waste.We will supply drinks and have some plates for those who might need them.

Hope to see you all there and remember it will be starting at 6:30 not 7:00 like normal.


Groce United Methodist Church, Tunnel Road,

Asheville, NC

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