Hello, Buncombe County Beekeepers!

Remember to set your clocks back Sunday and come early on Monday.

6:30 PM November “Holiday” Potluck for our last meeting of the year

BRING: a dish to share (Hopefully you’ll put honey in it…no contest, though) BCBC will have drinks and paper products.

Black Jar Honey Competition for a Club’s Winner- based on taste alone!

BRING: any size jar to compete (no label, your name on bottom)


Nominations and Election for 4 board positions

Bee-Centric Games will end the evening

Hope that your girls are doing well and finding the last drops of nectar from flowers that continue to bloom in this crazy, weird warm weather, and you are looking forward to November’s meeting and potluck.  We’re going to have loads of food and fun!


Along with board nominations, we’re anticipating the many dishes that you all bring to share for dinner and dessert.  We’re not having a cooking with honey contest this year, but there will be a BLACK JAR HONEYCONTEST so

if you think your bees produced some really special honey, bring a jar of it so we can run it by the judges panel to see who has the best tasting honey in our club. If you’re the winner on Monday night, the club will PAY for your entry fee for the Center for Honeybee Research Black Jar Honey contest($10) and BUY the three jars from you for $30 that must be submitted when entering the big contest. After the judges do their tasting, members will be invited to taste all of this year’s entries.  Then the winner will be announced. (You can always enter the contest on your own as well. Go to  http://www.chbr.org/2016HoneyContest.aspx)


BCBC meets the first Monday of each month. Meetings are at:

Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805

Mentoring /Advice time – 6:30 – 7:00pm Meeting time is 7:00pm

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