October 2, 2017 BCBC Meeting:

Lynn Williams, Beekeeper and Inventor of Mighty Mite Killer

Hello Buncombe County beekeepers.

As summer is winding down and fall should be approaching (hard to tell with the warm weather) hope you and your girls are doing well.

For October we will be hosting a South Carolina beekeeper and Inventor of The Mighty Mite Killer Lynn Williams.  His company Bee Hive Thermal Industries along with Oven Industries a 50 year leader in temperature controls ISO and aerospace certified have come up with a organic ,chemical free mite treatment.

I think this will be a very informative and interesting topic and discussion.

I have purchased and used it for the first time this year as well as a few of our other members.

Here is a link to his website:  https://www.beehivethermalindustries.com/

Also if you are thinking about entering your honey into the Black Jar Honey Contest this year Carl Chesick will be going over all the information. We will be having the contest at our last meeting of the year in November.

Hope that you have had time to go out to the Fair and visit the booth.

Stay tuned as we are getting ready for a very exciting 2018

BCBC Meeting is October 2, 2017, at 7:00 at:

Groce United Methodist Church, Tunnel Road,

Asheville, NC

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