Hello BCBC members,
I hope that you and your girls are ready for the cold snap that we will be having tonight.We are having our last meeting of 2023 next Monday night at the Groce United Methiodist Church  on Tunnel road.
We will be nominating and voting on some new board members as well as adding some directors to the board.
As you know the seasons are changing and we as bee keepers need to be able to adjust to the”new normal”. We will be having a informal discussion as well as answering questions  that you might have.
Also a reminder that we are setting up two fund raiser that should be up and running next week.
One is a silent auction  as of now we have4  pieces of art so if you have an item that you would like to donate please let me know. The second will be a 50/50 raffle.Both of these are to help keep our financial boat afloat. and used to help pay for the great speakers that we are striving to bring in to talk to the club.
There is still time if you are interested in helping  with our beginners bee school next week we are still in need of presenters. we have the material in drop box and you can review and add your personal touch  to it.
So I hope to see you all Monday at 7:00 doors open at 6:30.
Groce United Methodist Church
Tunnel Road
President BCBC

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