Simplified Queen Rearing Tonight

BCBC Meeting is this Monday,  February 5, 2017, at 7:00 @ Groce United Methodist Church,  Tunnel Road, Asheville, NC Greg Rogers, Master Beekeeper, friend and BCBC member will show his successful methods of queen rearing. Simplified! You said you wanted...

January 8th Meeting in New Location

DO NOT SHOW UP AT THE CHURCH- WE WILL NOT BE THERE. We will be meeting at: Martin Nesbitt Jr Discovery Academy         175 Bingham Road, Asheville Come early (6:30) to check out the school. Meeting at 7:00 PM Wehrloom Honey Owners If you have any...

November meeting Recap

On Monday Nov. 6th, the last meeting of 2017 we had our annual end-of-year pot luck with 55 in attendance. So many dishes (and especially desserts) were made with more than a splash of honey. Thank-you! And thanks to those who remembered to bring their plates and cups...
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