Hello BCBC members,

Hope that you and your girls are doing well.

We will be having our next meeting back at the church on Feb.5th

Our long time friend and member/beekeeper Greg Rogers from Haw Creek Honey will be giving us another installment on Queen rearing. I am sure it will be informative and I hope to learn more as I feel that part of keeping our girls alive,healthy and strong is to be raising Queens that fit with our area.

I hope that everyone who made it to the January meeting liked the location of our Bee School. Thank you for the feed back as we are working on getting any kinks out before February 24/25th

Also a few thing I need to mention:
If you have not renewed your 2018 membership pleas go on line at .

and renew or
BCBC 2017 membership Form

and print the form and bring it with you on the 5th.

Mary Fierle who is our great raffle person  would like someone to help her out at the meetings as well as be there when she can not…..so if you are interested please see me (Mark)at the meeting.

Hope to see you all Monday Feb.5th at the meeting


BCBC Meeting is February 5, 2017, at 7:00 at:

Groce United Methodist Church, Tunnel Road,

Asheville, NC




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