09-28-2019 Workshop at RCF

09-28-2019 Workshop at RCF (formally TLA) Reply to mars1952@gmail.com with any questions. If you respond to this email I will probably never see it. This Saturday 09-28-2019 10 am to Noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord’s...

FW: [BCBC Members] PICNIC!!!

Hey all you wonderful beeks! I hope everyone has had a great summer and their girls faired well! Thanks to all those great folks who volunteered at the fair. Everything seemed to go smoothly and there was a great turn out for entries into the honey products contest....

BCBC Workshop this Saturday 9-14-19

This Saturday 09-14-2019 10 am to Noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Root Cause Farm (formally The Lord’s Acre) (directions at the bottom of this page): It is time to do another sugar shake to evaluate the effectiveness of the Apilife Var mite treatments. We will...

BCBC Picnic Sept. 15

Buncombe County Beekeepers Picnic September 15th from 1 – 4pm at Root Cause Farm (formally The Lords Acre). Members and family are all invited. Bring: a generous side dish or two to share, a chair if you don’t want to sit on a bench, Port-O-John available BCBC...
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