Last Call -5 Slots Left -Wax Working Workshop

5 slots open.remain open. Limit 15 members Wax Working Workshop with Award Winning NCSBA member Whitney Barnes sponsored by Buncombe Country Beekeepers Chapter Whitney Barnes wins ribbons everywhere she presents her wax pieces. She is coming HERE to share her tricks for entering competition or just for making useful wax as a by-product of your honey extraction. What are you doing with your wax cappings and the pieces of burr comb you’ve collected?
 Don’t throw out those old frames of wax…melt them down…make some wax for candles or lip balms. This 2 day workshop will take your wax from a gooey mess in a bucket to a beautiful block or maybe, a figurine. It takes time to wash wax, melt it down in crockpots andRead More