No workday at the Lords Acre this weekend!

We will not be at the Lords Acre yard this weekend. We will let everyone know when the next  inspection/work day is.   Enjoy your holiday weekend!   Thank you! Scott Scott A Davis President – Buncombe County Beekeepers Club (BCBC) A chapter of the North Carolina State...

July Meeting

Hello All, Just a short reminder that there is NO JULY MEETING….See you all in August which should be a great meeting. Also The NCSBA is having their summer meeting celebrating 100 years. This will be held July 13th, 14th and 15th at the Embassy Suites...

NO workshop today at the Lords Acre.

We hope everyone is busy in their bees, just as we are!  We will NOT be meeting at the lords Acre Apiary today.  Please watch the website for updates on the next workday/workshop/inspection opportunity at TLA! Thank you! Scott Scott A Davis President – Buncombe County...
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