August BCBC meeting next Monday August 5th 2019

Good evening BCBC members, I hope that you and the girls are al doing well and will be enjoying the break from the oppressive heat we have been having.I hope that you will all be coming to next Mondays meeting on August 5th. We will have Karen Stegall come out and...

Need Extraction Party Host

 On Saturday 07-20-2019 10 AM to noon, at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord’s Acre: (Joe Jenkins Road, Fairview, NC) Three hardworking people showed up. The weather was sunny and hot. We inspected all of the hives and nucs (A Nuc is a Nucleus hive.) and they are...

Next Apiary Workshop 7-20-19 (not this Sat)

CANCELED This Saturday 07-06-2019 at the BCBC Apiary at the Lord’s Acre CANCELED We realize many will be away for the July 4th holiday. Next workshop 7-20-19 Upcoming workshops at the BCBC TLA bee yard this summer. 10 am-noon until further notice. 07-20-2019...

Certified Test given July 10, sign up

TAKE THE TEST WITH US JULY 10   Dear BCBC Members and invited WNC members of other Chapters on the ladder for the Initially Certified Practical Test in NCSBA’s Master Beekeeper Program. The 30 minute written Initially Certified test (50 multiple choice and T/F)...
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