Good Evening to all Buncombe County Beekeepers! Mark your calendar! Our next monthly meeting is Monday, June 4th at Groce United Methodist from 7 – 9pm. Come early for a greet-and-meet at 6:30, especially if you have questions for some our more “seasoned” beekeepers. You can learn what is going on in and around the bee yards of Buncombe and surrounding counties. I hope you and your “girls” have had a wonderful Memorial Day holiday weekend! Although rain has limited foraging and time in the apiary, we did have some occasions where the sun peeked through the clouds. The first nectar flow of the season is in full swing, so be sure to check your hives for adequate space. Remember the 70% rule…when aRead More
May 7th meeting
Hello to all BCBC members! This is a reminder of our May meeting, scheduled for Monday, May 7th at 7:00pm. The guest speaker for the May meeting is Ms. Leigh Knott. Ms. Knott (formerly from the Ozarks) is owner of Five Apple Farm in Yancy County. She is a certified natural grown beekeeper with 8 years of experience. She is currently working on micro-queen rearing and cut-down splits. She will be able to share a wealth of knowledge and provide information for both the experienced and novice beekeeper. We are looking forward to hearing from her! It is a busy time for both bees and beekeepers as the nectar flow is beginning. Many of you may have purchased nucs and/or packages andRead More
Study Group Announced
Enough interest is shown to have a Journeyman/Master study group. It will start 6:30-8:30 pm Tuesdays, April 24-June 5, 2018 That’s 7 classes. Limited to 15 students- Must RSVP Janet Peterson at 628-1758 Location: 122 Lyman Street, Asheville $8 per class or $40 for all 7 classes. This is a fundraiser for BCBC and will cover the cost of any handouts. Provide your own resource book.
Who is interested in a Journeyman Study Group?
Who is interested in a BCBC sponsored Study Group for Journeyman and Master Beekeeper Level of the NCSBA Master Beekeepers Program ? For any NCSBA Chapter Members in WNC who have passed the Initially Certified Test and has 2 years experience. We would have Tuesday meets from 6:30-8:30 for 7 weeks starting April 24. We need a minimum of 8 students- Must RSVP Janet Peterson at 628-1758 or
Certified Test April 17th
BCBC will be giving the Beginner Certified Test Tuesday, April 17, 2018 between 5 and 7 PM come anytime. Even if you haven’t been in our prep class, anyone can take it that can show proof of your NCSBA membership, has $8 for administrative costs (no charge for BCBC members) and an hour of time. You must be a member of a chapter, ours or another. Come to the meeting room at HomeGuage, 122 Lyman St, Asheville in the RiverArts District. Test will take an hour. We’ll do the paperwork to turn in your score. Leave a note here that you are coming so we can have the 50 question test run off for you. Good luck!
The Lords Acre – Package Installation workshop this Saturday, 10:30am
Packages are arriving this weekend! We will be picking up packages early Saturday morning. two packages will be installed in the hives at the Lords Acre on Saturday, April 14th at approximately 10:30am. The time may fluctuate a bit depending on what time we can actually get away from the pickup point, and get back to the Lords Acre. Come help us get everything setup and bees back in the garden! See you all Saturday! Thank you! Scott Scott A Davis President – Buncombe County Beekeepers Club (BCBC) A chapter of the North Carolina State BeeKeepers Association Meeting the first Monday of each month at Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Road Asheville, nc 828.712.6074 Catch the Buzz at
April 2 2018 Buncombe County Beekeepers Meeting
Hello Buncombe County Beekeepers, Hopefully the last of the crazy cold weather is behind us and your girls are doing fine.There has been plenty of warm days for them to start to get out and about. For the April meeting we will have the pleasure and knowledge of our own member as well as NCDA Apiary inspector for our region Lewis Cauble come and talk to us about spring management. He will touch on.mites, feeding, swarm management, and capturing swarms and all things spring related to our bees. So bring your questions as well as your knowledge on how and what you do for all of the above so we might all learn from each other. Remember we meet at The Groce United MethodistRead More
March BCBC Meeting — Monday, March 5th with Jennifer Keller
Hello to all Buncombe County Beekeepers! I hope all is well with you, and that your “girls” made it through the winter and are gearing up for spring. The BCBC conducted our “hands-on” Bee School over the past weekend at Nesbitt Discovery Center, so we are expecting to see lots of new members at Monday’s meeting. Be sure to look for new faces and make these future beekeepers feel welcome. Based on the evaluation survey collected at the conclusion of the school, the responses of the participants were very positive. It appears the new beekeepers walked away with a better understanding of beekeeping and now have the confidence to start keeping bees, along with the assurance that experienced beekeepers will be enthusiasticRead More
Simplified Queen Rearing Tonight
BCBC Meeting is this Monday, February 5, 2017, at 7:00 @ Groce United Methodist Church, Tunnel Road, Asheville, NC Greg Rogers, Master Beekeeper, friend and BCBC member will show his successful methods of queen rearing. Simplified! You said you wanted to raise your own queens…well?
Buncombe County Beekeepers Club February Meeting on Feb. 5, 2018
Hello BCBC members, Hope that you and your girls are doing well. We will be having our next meeting back at the church on Feb.5th Our long time friend and member/beekeeper Greg Rogers from Haw Creek Honey will be giving us another installment on Queen rearing. I am sure it will be informative and I hope to learn more as I feel that part of keeping our girls alive,healthy and strong is to be raising Queens that fit with our area. I hope that everyone who made it to the January meeting liked the location of our Bee School. Thank you for the feed back as we are working on getting any kinks out before February 24/25th Also a few thing I need to mention:Read More