February Meeting notes!

a HUGE thank you to Dave Cowart and Jon Christie for a very educational, enjoyable session on what to look for in our Bee Yards this time of year. They brought in demo hives, complete with a ‘Dead out’ to show what to look for, and how to learn from our deadouts. This time of year can be very troubling to manage our hives. its very easy for the Queen to start laying lots of  brood on days like we have had recently. Lots of brood results in lots of bees early in the year, which raises the possibility of starvation early or swarming earlier than usual. Everyone should be diligent on watching their hive activity and ensuring there are plenty of resources available ifRead More

Tonight’s Meeting canceled – rescheduled for Monday, Feb 9th!

Everyone, The BCBC meeting for February has been rescheduled for Monday, Feb. 9th due to the weather. Our policy follows Buncombe County School policy. Buncombe county schools are closing 3 hours early today due to weather concerns. There are also concerns about black ice on the roads this evening. We are rescheduling our meeting to take place on Monday, Feb 9th. The meeting will start at 7pm sharp. our speakers have already confirmed their availability as well! Don’t forget that this week is the Joint NCSBA/SCBA meeting. The meeting is being held in Monroe, this coming Thursday/Friday/Saturday. We strongly urge everyone to attend as the sessions are informative and fun! More information can be found at NCSBA/SC Joint Meeting Dont neglect your hives this timeRead More

Meeting Reminder – Holy Smokers what’s happening in my bee yard!?)^$%^*(O?????

Tonight’s main topic will be presented by Dave Cowart and Jon Christie. It will be a fun and informative meeting! As of 10am we do plan on having our meeting tonight at the regular time. The weather , while iffy, is showing signs of clearing up already. Please check the website later today in case the weather turns for the worse. We will also send email announcements to the membership as needed throughout the day. Also, a reminder to everyone that joined the state NCSBA. You will be able to pick up your membership cards tonight at the meeting, if you joined NCSBA through the club. They will be available at the check-in table this evening. You can click on the link at the bottomRead More

Holy Smokers – What’s happening in my bee yard?!

Have you ever taken a look at your bee yard and saw something going on that you just couldn’t identify?  Why are they walking around on the ground, looking confused? Why are there bees flying and poking around the lid of my hive? Are the “thousands” of bees flying around my hive just happy-go-lucky and glad to be outside, or are they being robbed? If you’ve had these experiences, or any others of note, you’ll be glad you came to our February 2nd monthly bee meeting at Groce Methodist Church.  We’ll have help with these conundrums, hear those of other beekeepers, and provide you with some answers! Do you have a “trick” you tried in your bee yard that you were sure would fix “that”Read More