Our monthly bee meeting Will be on June 5. We are happy to welcome Dave Coward, who will be talking about how to harvest honey from your hives. We will have some of the equipment used in harvesting on hand. The bee club has harvesting equipment available for rent. Doors will open at 6:30 pm with the meeting come talk bees with your fellow members. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm at Groce UMC. Tunnel Rd. Please plan to be present for this informative meeting.
Last Call -5 Slots Left -Wax Working Workshop
5 slots open.remain open. Limit 15 members Wax Working Workshop with Award Winning NCSBA member Whitney Barnes sponsored by Buncombe Country Beekeepers Chapter Whitney Barnes wins ribbons everywhere she presents her wax pieces. She is coming HERE to share her tricks for entering competition or just for making useful wax as a by-product of your honey extraction. What are you doing with your wax cappings and the pieces of burr comb you’ve collected? Don’t throw out those old frames of wax…melt them down…make some wax for candles or lip balms. This 2 day workshop will take your wax from a gooey mess in a bucket to a beautiful block or maybe, a figurine. It takes time to wash wax, melt it down in crockpots andRead More
Fwd: [BCBC Members] BCBC Jan.Meeting Wednesday the 4th at Groce United Methodist Church
BCBC January meeting The Jan.meeting will be held next Wednesday Jan. 4th instead of Monday Jan.2nd. I hope that you can come out and hear our very own Greg Rodgers. Greg will be talking about: How to plana verroa treatment strategy for the coming year. As well as late winter and early spring inspections and feeding. I hope to see you . As always the church will be opened at 6:30 and the meeting will start at 7:00. Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Rd Asheville Hope that you and your family have a safe and healthy New Year. Mark Traub President BCBC
November 7th BCBC Meeting Groce united Methodist Church
We will behaving our last meeting of the year as well as combining it with our last bee school class’ Lewis Cabel will be presenting “Pest and Disease”. Always a great talk and I get more useful information when I hear it. Please come out and support the club as well as our new members who will be finishing up 2022 bee school. Doors open at 6:30 and the meeting starts at 7:00 Groce United Methodist Church TunnelRoad Asheville Hope to see you all there. MarkTrasub President BCBC
Buncombe County Beekeepers Club October3rd meeting
Buncombe4County Beekeepers meeting October 3,2022 Come hear Shanti from Shanti Elixer talk about Jun a green tea, honey probiatic drink. It should be a really great talk. Doors open at 6:30 so come and talk bees with your fellow club members. Meeting starts at 7:00 Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Rd Asheville
August monthly meeting next Monday Aug 1st at 7:00
Good evening BCBCmembeers, I hope that you and your girls are enjoying the summer. Please join us next Monday at the Groce United Methodist Church onTunnel road. Winterizing your beehives well is one of the most important things you can do to keep your hives healthy. Lewis Cauble, Apiary Inspector at NC Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services, will be sharing with us on Monday about how to prepare your hives for winter and how mite treatments work in this season. https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/resources/apiary-inspection-program We hope to see you all there. We open the doors at 6:30 and the meeting starts at 7:00 GroceUnited Methodist Church TunnelRoad Asheville. Mark Traub BCBC President
BCBC June 6th 2022 Meeting 7:00 at Groce United Methodist Church
Hello all, For our June meeting we are going to have Scott Davis. He will be talking about summer maintenance and harvesting your honey. We are looking forward to hearing from Scott as he has participated with this bee club for many years. He is a former president of this club and has kept bees for many years. Hope to see you at Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Road Asheville. As per all meetings we will open the doors up at 6:30 so you can talk with fellow members. Meeting starts at 7:00. Remember that we do not have July ,Sept or December in person meetings. Mark Traub President BCBC
May 2nd BCBC meeting
Hello BCBC members, I hope that you can come out to our meeting Monday May 2nd.. It is that time of year when your bees are arriving or your over wintered hives are bustling. Please come out with your wisdom if you are a more experienced beekeeper. You new beekeepers (as well as anyone)bring your questions. Spring is here and we want to be ready as our hives thrive. A shout out to Janet Peterson on becoming a Master Beekeeper! We meet at the Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel rd Asheville Meeting starts at 7:00 doors open at 6:30 Mark Traub President BCBC
Buncombe County Beekeepers Club Meeting Monday April 4th
Hello all, I hope that you and your girls are doing well. For our April meeting we will be having a round table set-up. There will be smokers, feeding and treating,siting your apiary and bear fences,and building equipment, installing bees. Come with your questions and to talk bees. Hope to see you all there. Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Rd. We open the door at 6:30 to talk with your fellow beekeepers meeting starts at 7:00 Mark Traub President BCBC
March BCBC meeting Monday March 7th
Hello everyone, I hope that you and your bees are enjoying this wonderful weather. We will be having our March meeting back in person at the church Monday March 7th. Dave Cowart will be discussing spring preparation. Hope to see you there . As always we will open the church at 6:30 for talking bees with your fellow members and the meeting will start at 7:00. The church still has a mask policy in effect. Groce United Methodist Church 954 Tunnel Rd. Asheville Mark Traub President BCBC