Hello BCBC members, I hope that you and your girls are doing well during these trying times.I am sending out a little late but….reminder for our September meeting via Zoom.This month we will have Burton Beasley talk to us about Fall/Winter strategies,management techniques and tips to help you improve and maximize winter survival.I hope that you all can make it next Monday Sept. 14th at 7:00. We will open the room up at 6:30 so feel free to come and ask questions or just chat with your fellow members. Here is a little about our speaker :Burton is NCSBA 2nd Vice Preisdent Former NCSBA Regional Director NCSBA Master Beekeeper working on (and soon to be) Master Craftsperson Burton manages 100 plus hivesRead More
August 3rd BCBC Monthly Meeting
Hello BCBC Members, Here is the link for our monthly meeting to be held on August 3rd. We will open the room up at 6:30 for conversation and discussing what is happening in the bee yard and the meeting will start at 7:00. Hope to see you there. Mark https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83200804581?pwd=dlBsSXhYTHBjRmtnNVhod01VQk4zQT09
August meeting Monday August 3rd 7:00 pm “How Slovenia loves honey bees!”
I hope this email finds you and your girls healthy and thriving.we have been working on our monthly meeting with zoom and have lined up Suzy Spencer to talk to us next Monday evening August 3rd at 7:00 .. Here is a little info about her: Suzy Spencer is a NC Master Craftsman and keeps bees in her small backyard in downtown Raleigh. She has kept bees for over 30 years. Her local chapter is Five County Beekeepers. She has served as the NCSBA Membership Secretary and is the organizer of the NCSBA “black Jar” honey contest. She traveled to Slovenia on a beekeeping tour in 2018 to learn how their beekeepers raise bees and was surprised to also learn how much they love andRead More
First virtual BCBC meeting Monday June 15th at 7:00
Hello BCBC members, I hope that you and your girls are all doing well and are staying safe during these unusual times. We are going to have our first virtual meeting this coming Monday June 15th starting at 7:00 and going until 8:15. I hope that you can all make it . We will be having Lewis Cauble, our regional inspector, talk about what he is seeing in the bee yards in and around our area. Please bring any questions you might have as to what is happening in your yard as we can help you figure out what problems you might be having or help to identify what you are seeing. I will be sending out the link to our zoom meeting platform overRead More
BCBC Reminder You are all invited to our BI-weekly Q & A Sessions. Webcam is not required. Come ask questions!
You are all invited to our weekly Q & A Sessions. Webcam is not required. Come ask questions! When: May 13th, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) – This is a RECURRING BI-WEEKLY MEETING! EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY THROUGH THE END OF JUNE! Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/uZckde-rrjopP5KmY8i8Scgo2j0OSw-8aw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Webcams are NOT REQUIRED, nor is a membership to Zoom or anything else. For privacy reasons, when you join (either via phone or computer audio), everyone will be muted initially. Questions can be submitted via chat/text to the hosts. This is a learning opportunity in progress. We expect to get through our first conference. In the future we willRead More
No May Meeting
Hello BCBC members, I hope that this email finds everyone and their girls doing well and staying safe. We are working on online meeting but have not finalized the format yet. So as of now we are not going to have our May meeting next Monday evening. Please join Scott and Shaneka as they are hosting Wednesday evening Zoom Q&A sessions. If you are going out to the CHBR anytime this season please practice social distancing and remember to wear a mask under your bee suit. Also we will be posting times for you to come out and help in the club apiary so you can also help out there as well. If you have any concerns please feel free to reach out as weRead More
FW: Buncombe county Beekeepers Q & A session – Zoom meeting tonight – 7:00pm – Registration required! Open to EVERYONE!
You are all invited to our weekly Q & A Sessions. Webcam is not required. Come ask questions! When: Apr 15, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) – This is a RECURRING WEEKLY MEETING! EVERY WEDNESDAY THROUGH THE END OF MAY! Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/uZckde-rrjopP5KmY8i8Scgo2j0OSw-8aw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Webcams are NOT REQUIRED, nor is a membership to Zoom or anything else. For privacy reasons, when you join (either via phone or computer audio), everyone will be muted initially. Questions can be submitted via chat/text to the hosts. This is a learning opportunity in progress. We expect to get through our first conference. In the future we will be havingRead More
Dr. Tarpy: Host-Shifts and Honey Bees: Lessons From COVID-19
Host-Shifts and Honey Bees: Lessons From COVID-19: https://entomology.ces.ncsu.edu/2020/04/host-shifts-and-honey-bees-lessons-from-covid-19/?src=rss
Covid 19 update and BCBC meetings
Good evening BCBC members First of all we are hoping that you and your loved ones are safe and stay safe during these turbulent times (bees included). As of today we will be suspending our monthly meeting until we, as a planet, get the corona virus under control. We are abiding by the standards set by the CDC on gatherings of people in light of the COVID-19 virus. We are taking your health and safety as a priority…please do the same. The board is working on setting up some online and virtual meetings using zoom or another platform, as we still want to keep everyone excited and learning more about better bee keeping. We will let everyone know via emails when weRead More
First Apiary Workshop of 2020
BCBC Apiary Root Cause Farm 2020 Schedule Good News: All of our hives are ALIVE at RCF thanks to the diligent efforts of manager, Marshall Mullins, State Certified Beekeeper, 828-231-8284, mars1952@gmail.com We have 5 full size and 2 five frame NUCs. Saturday Feb 8, 2020 First inspection, feed as necessary and equipment prep, Noon to 2PM Saturday Feb 29, 2020 Inspections, feeding and possibly moving resources from strong hives to weak hives. Saturday March 14, 2020. Make a split (weather dependent) Saturday April 4, 2020 Inspections, feeding. More dates TBA YOU CAN LEARN BY DOING! We look forward to more participation this year. All BCBC members and guests are welcome at the Apiary workshops. Bring a veil and some water. Root Cause Farm, Joe JenkinsRead More