We will not be at the Lords Acre yard this weekend. We will let everyone know when the next inspection/work day is. Enjoy your holiday weekend! Thank you! Scott Scott A Davis President – Buncombe County Beekeepers Club (BCBC) A chapter of the North Carolina State BeeKeepers Association Meeting the first Monday of each month at Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Road Asheville, nc 828.712.6074 Catch the Buzz at www.wncbees.org
July Meeting
Hello All, Just a short reminder that there is NO JULY MEETING….See you all in August which should be a great meeting. Also The NCSBA is having their summer meeting celebrating 100 years. This will be held July 13th, 14th and 15th at the Embassy Suites Convention Center in downtown Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Check out the website for a full list of events going on. Have a great month. I hope your girls are doing well and working hard. Mark
NO workshop today at The Lords Acre – Come join us tomorrow afternoon for the garden tour!
Everyone, Because we are participating in the garden tour tomorrow (Sunday), AND we are doing the Certified Practical test tomorrow, we will not have a workshop at TLA today.
NO workshop today at the Lords Acre.
We hope everyone is busy in their bees, just as we are! We will NOT be meeting at the lords Acre Apiary today. Please watch the website for updates on the next workday/workshop/inspection opportunity at TLA! Thank you! Scott Scott A Davis President – Buncombe County Beekeepers Club (BCBC) A chapter of the North Carolina State BeeKeepers Association Meeting the first Monday of each month at Groce United Methodist Church Tunnel Road Asheville, nc 828.712.6074 Catch the Buzz at www.wncbees.org
June Meeting Master E.A.S. Beekeeper Freddy Proni will be Coming to Talk to Us
Hello, Buncombe County Beekeepers, I hope all is well and everyone is enjoying this warm weather. I also hope that your girls are out doing their Bee thing in full force. For our June meeting we have Master E.A.S. Beekeeper Freddy Proni from Catawba County coming to speak. He will be letting us know about the E.A.S., or Eastern Apiculture Society, a little about his own bee operation, and tips and tricks that we can all use. It is sure to be a fun and informative evening. Our mini workshop that evening will bee on honey supers, how to address robbing, and a bee yard review. We will also have our fundraiser seed packets printed and ready for sale so if you are interestedRead More
May Meeting Dr James Wilkes from Bee Informed Project and Hive Tracks will be Presenting
Hello, Buncombe County Bee Club members, I hope that your girls are healthy, doing well and your hives are expanding. We will be having an interesting presenter for our May meeting. Dr. James Wilkes, who is, among other things, a professor of computer science at Appalachian State in Boone, is also the co-founder of the software company behind Hive Tracks. James is also a beekeeper with about 100 hives. Dr. Wilkes is also the Information Technology Lead for the Bee Informed Partnership. Topics of discussion will be Hive Tracks and the Bee Informed project. I have attached links for both so you have time to check them out: https://hivetracks.com/ https://beeinformed.org/ I found them both really interesting and I think in the long run they willRead More
Workshop and Apiary Help needed this weekend at THe Lords Acre starting at 10:00am!
Bees are coming soon! Are you ready? Many of us will be receiving packages or early nucs in the next couple of weeks. In anticipation of apiary growth we will be having a workshop /workday at the club apiary at The Lords Acre in Fairview this weekend. We will be expanding the bear fence around the yard, and expanding the hive stands, etc. in anticipation of growth of the apiary in the very near future. If you need experience about fencing, or have questions on how it works, or other things, this is a great opportunity for you to stop by, ask questions and get some hands on experience as well! We installed the club package this afternoon, and took quick look at the other hives..Read More
April Meeting Is Coming! We Will Have Megan Baker from The NC Extension Center guest speaker!
Hello Buncombe County Bee Keepers, Hope all is well in your bee yards and if you are getting nucs you are getting ready. Packages have started to arrive and it is very exciting to see bee yards coming to life after winter. It was an great day at Wild Mountain Bees as I picked my packages and will be installing them tomorrow Hope that you are looking forward to Aprils meeting.We will have Megan Baker from the Buncombe County NC Extension Center come and talk to us. Her topics will be an introduction to the Cooperative Extension Service and the programs and opportunities of interest to the beekeeping community. Also beneficial plants for pollinators, including honeybees and native bees. Bring your questions and hope toRead More
Urgent Notice – Watch your bees carefully right now!
Everyone, We received a notice from Greg Rogers this morning. Greg is a long time, well respected commercial beekeeper in our area. He wanted to pass this notice along to everyone. Right now the bees are so strong, that they are burning through their stores at an incredible rate. The problem is that the recent freezes have reduced and in some cases, eliminated the natural resources (nectar especially) that the bees rely on to build strength and brood. He and other beekeepers are seeing reduced stores in the hives, which are causing them to crash due to lack of food resources. I’m seeing signs of this in my own apiary, where 1 ½ weeks ago they both had a full super of honey surplus, andRead More
MBP Beginner Beekeeper Certification TESTING this Wednesday!
MBP Beginner Beekeeper Certification TESTING: The Master Beekeeping Program is a stair-step program of knowledge from our NC State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA). Buncombe County Beekeepers wants you to expand your knowledge of bees in order to help yourself and your community and prove it by becoming “certified”. 13 students took the BCBC 5 week Beginner Certified Prep Course and are ready to test BUT if you’ve been studying on your own…go for it! Come join us! BCBC is OFFERING THE WRITTEN TEST this Wednesday 3/22/17 FROM 5:30 -7PM. Drop in at the Meeting Room at Home Gauge, 122 Lyman St, Asheville in the River Arts District. BCBC Members no cost. Non-Members of BCBC $5 admin fee and an RSVP to Janet Peterson 628-1758 to ensure we haveRead More